Thursday, February 13, 2014

Perfect Picture Book Friday: Plant a Kiss

Plant a Kiss
Written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds
(Harper, 2012, Fiction)
Perfect for 4-8 years old

Opening: "It goes like this.  Little Miss planted a kiss.  Planted a kiss?  Planted a kiss."

Brief Synopsis:  Little Miss plants a kiss.  She nurtures it with all of her heart, and after much waiting and anticipation, sees a sprout.  It grows into something beautiful, and when asked what she is going to do with it, she replies that she is going to share it.  Little Miss takes a large bowl and fills it with what grew from her kiss.  She then proceeds to share it with everyone.  After she has shared all of the contents of the bowl, she returns to where she planted the kiss only to find that there is an endless supply to share.

Why I Like It: Amy Rosenthal and Peter Reynold work together perfectly to tell this sweet story of a little girl who performs an act of love that multiplies and is shared with all around her.  It is a cute take on the phrase "plant a kiss" and shows how a child might interpret it. 

Resources:  Peter Reynolds has created a printable seed packet to put together and fill with seeds to plant and eventually share with someone.  Head here.


  1. Love the collaborative work between Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Peter H. Reynolds. Can't believe the book is only 28 words. One of my favorites.

    1. It doesn't seem like 28 words to me, either! It was a perfect choice for my new reader. :)

  2. Lovely pick for today - any day for that matter! Thanks, Emily.

    1. We could read it any day! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I can't believe I haven't seen this book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal! Thanks for sharing this.

    1. She has some fabulous ones, doesn't she? This one is never on the shelf at our library because it is always checked out!

  4. A lovely combination of author and illustrator! I'll have to check this one out! Thanks!

    1. They make a perfect team---darling story paired with adorable pictures. It is a win!

  5. LOVE this book, Emily! And what a perfect choice for today! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks for hosting this blog hop! It has been so much fun getting acquainted with new picture books!

  6. Beautiful book, Emily and very appropriate for today (Valentines Day) Thank you for sharing.

    1. Picture books just add a whole new level of fun during holidays, don't they? Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I love this book - and the imagination it engenders. Planting kisses! Seeds! And (once the snow melts) gardening!

    1. Yes! We are eagerly anticipating planting our garden! I can just see my little toddler bending down to plant a kiss!

  8. This is a precious book. I loved it. Amy Krouse Rosenthal just does it right. And add the Peter H. Reynold's touch...perfection!
