Monday, February 24, 2014

Mr. Putter and Tabby Paint the Porch

Mr. Putter and Tabby Paint the Porch

Written by Cynthia Rylant and Illustrated by Arthur Howard


My preschooler recently took off with reading, and I have Mr. Putter to thank.  He is the kind of old man that uses slingshots to knock his pears out of a tree because his old cranky legs won't let him climb a ladder.  He is also the kind of old man that stays up all night on Christmas Eve baking a cake for his neighbor, Mrs. Teaberry, because he knows she loves fruitcake.  He is very sweet and often silly.  I don't know how many times we have laughed out loud with some of the antics that occur with Mr. Putter and his cat, Tabby.  

Mr. Putter & Tabby Paint the Porch is my favorite in the series.  Mr. Putter decides it is time to paint the porch, and pulls out the pink paint.  Disaster strikes when a squirrel enters the scene and Tabby's cat instincts kick in.  It only goes downhill from there.

Likeable illustrations and characters, interesting story lines, and text that provides the perfect amount of challenge for beginning readers.  We always walk out of the library with at least one Mr. Putter book in our bag.

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